HackZurich – 3 days of hacking in Zurich

HackZurich – 3 days of hacking in Zurich

4. Oktober 2015 17 Von blogstone

This weekend 500 hackers transformed Zurich to the innovation hotspot thanks to HackZurich, the largest hackathon in Europe. A hackathon is a gathering where programmers collaboratively code in an extreme manner over a short period of time – a marathon for programmers. HackZurich started on Friday evening and ended on Sunday afternoon. A long nerd weekend with almost no sleep but a lot of inspiring projects and chats.

HackZurich 2015

Some stats:

  • 507 registered participants
  • 123 submitted projects
  • 6000 meter ethernet cable
  • 20280 hours of coding
  • 2.18 TB internet traffic
  • 3.6 tonnes of food
  • 213m2 pizza

PizzaSome interesting projects:

  And the winners are:

  Check out the best tweets from HackZurich:

Good night