review week 11

10. Juni 2007 1 Von blogstone

Monday, June 4
After school, Carola and me decided to go runnig. We ran to Mario’s home and hoped to get a refreshment, but noboday was at home. I was really surprised about Carola’s stamina, because she told me that she wasn’t running for a long time. At the end I was more down than she. We enjoyed relaxing in our jacuzzi, that was great.

Wednesday, June 6
Carola, Rahel, Seline, Sonja, Martina, Sandra, Baptist, Adrien, Martin and me went to  Moose’s again. It was a really funny evening and we met the best San Diego cap driver, Daniel.
Baptist and me

Thursday, June 7
Our second last school at International Center for American English (ICAE) day! First we had to to a short presentation about bad fads, what a stupid idea at the end of our course. After that Todd explained us the pocker rules and we tried to play. In the afternoon, Carola, Seline, Rahel, Baptist and me skipped school and enjoyed our pool at home. In the evening we were invited at Andrew’s bye bye bbq. After coming home we found our laundry in the corridor with a really cute message on the wall.

Andrew and me

Friday, June 8
[inspic=1012,left,gal,thumb]We ate breakfast and played poker together with an other class from Todd on our last day at the International Center for American English (ICAE). 11 school weeks are over – bye bye ICAE, it was a good time although not all teachers were great as Larry. Check out time is running out entry for more details about the results of the second pre-exams and my future plans and more information about the last school day.
all in – chips and cookies

Pokerface Chris

In the afternoon Mario, Daniel, Riccarda and me visited UCSD campus and were invited from a friend of Mario to a math class. How dull math could be, check the pictures:

In the evening Sonja invited us for a strechlimo tour to celebrate her birthday. She picked us up and we rode Downtown with a pitstop at W Hotel, then sightseeing in Coronado and Downtown again.

a small bar in the stretchlimo

party on!

Saturday, June 9
I slept out in the morning and after breakfast I studyed for the exams. In the afternoon Carola and me checked out the exam locations for next week in Fashion Valley and in Downtown. We received Nany’s second car, a red stickgear shift car, almost similar than my Audi A4 in Switzerland. After our trip we went shopping with Nancy in a big warehouse similar than TopCC for my birthday. In the evening I went with Rahel, Seline, Adrien and Baptist to „On Broadway“ club, while Carola stayed at home because of her cold – poor hostsister.

Sunday, June 10
[inspic=963,left,gal,thumb]My birthday – for details see the birthday entry.